Program Communications for Students
Program Communications for Students
About our Program Communications
Each month UK Ag Equine Programs distributes a student newsletter called the Wildcat Canter. The Wildcat Canter features equine club and organization news and updates, UK Ag Equine Programs news and features and a wide range of spotlights, from students to classes, advisors, scholarships and job and internship opportunities. Its purpose is to keep students, alums and those interested in UK's equine programs updated. If you would like to subscribe to the Wildcat Canter, please e-mail and ask to be added to the email distribution list.
Current students also receive a weekly newsletter called Tuesday Tidbits that gives upcoming dates and deadlines as well as specific information about undergraduate program happenings. Current students also have access to a password protected student database that lists job and internship opportunties, among other information.
Additionally, the program maintains several active Facebook pages (UK Ag Equine Programs, Gluck Equine Research Center, UK Equine Career Fair and UK Equine Alumni pages are some you might consider following). UK Ag Equine Programs (@UKAgEquine) and the Gluck Equine Research Center (@UKGluckCenter) can also be found on Twitter. UK Ag Equine Programs is also on Instagram.