Howe Named Acting Chair of UK’s Department of Veterinary Science; Nielsen Associate Chair

After a search for acting department chair, Daniel Howe, PhD, has been named acting chair of the University of Kentucky Department of Veterinary Sciences and Martin Nielsen, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVM, as acting associate chair and director of graduate studies.
The terms are for one year, starting Jan. 1, 2022, pending university approvals. Howe has been associate chair and director of graduate studies in the department since 2014 and 2009, respectively. Nielsen holds the Schlaikjer Professor of Equine Infectious Disease.
A committee led by Reddy Palli, PhD, chair of UK’s Department of Entomology, is being formed to conduct a global search for a full-term department chair. The anticipated timeframe is for the successful candidate to be named by July 2022 and be in place by January 2023.
“I would like to thank David Horohov, who has served as chair for the past six years, for his leadership and dedication to this department that plays a critical role to the equine industry. David has positioned this department to be excellent in operations, service and research quality, and I am sure the position will be attractive to many qualified candidates,” said Nancy Cox, PhD, Vice President for Land Grant Engagement and Dean, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Source: UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment edited announcement.