Contact Information

N212 Ag Science Building North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-2226

Clubs and Teams

Clubs and Teams

Clubs and Teams

UK's Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is home to eight active equine student organizations. Whatever your horse interest, there's most likely a club or team whose members share your passions.

More about our Clubs and Teams

Click the name of a club/team below to learn more information:

IHSA ribbon for high point team

UK Equestrian Team

UK's Equestrian Team has both hunt seat and western disciplines represented.

Both of these team provide horses for member use. 

IHSA Hunt Seat Team 

The team competes in the hunt seat portion of the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association, an organization that allows college riders to compete on a regional and national level. The team needs riders at all levels who can compete in everything from first-year beginner walk-trot to the most advanced open fences class. During the year we show at eight to ten regular season shows (four to six a semester). The team is based out of Champagne Run Farm and coached by Jodi Wanenmacher. 

The team decides on members solely based onTeam members of the UK IHSA Hunt Seat Team at tryouts. tryouts. This allows everyone who participates in tryouts to be given a chance to make the team without any bias. The team has an informational meeting during the first week of classes every fall. More information about this will be posted on the team’s social media pages closer to the time. This meeting will give out more specifics about the team for that year and allow for tryout sign-up.

Team meetings are every Tuesday at 7:30 P.M.

Advisor: Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe,

Facebook: UK Equestrian Team

Instagram: uk_equestrian_

IHSA Western Team

The team competes in the western portion of the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association, and acts as a sister team to the Hunt Seat Team. The team takes riders at all levels from beginner walk-jog to Open Horsemanship and Reining. During the year they show at eight to ten shows (four to five per semester). The team is associated with Bennie Sargent Quarter Horses in Paris, KY. 

Unlike the hunt seat team, the western team doWestern Team members holding ribbons at a horse show. not require tryouts to be on the team. They welcome riders of all ability level and interest. To learn more about the team, please attend the informational meeting at the beginning of the fall semester. More information about the day and location will be posted on their social media leading up to the meeting. 

Team meetings are every Thursday at 7:00 P.M.

Advisor: Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe,

Facebook: UKY Western IHSA Team

Instagram: ukwesternequestrian

UK Eventing Team

This University of Kentucky Eventing team competes in the Intercollegiate Eventing League at sanctioned U.S. Eventing Association events. Students can join the team by messaging any of the team social media pages.

In order to ride on the team students must have their own horse. However, they offer a social membership for students who do not have access to a horse but want to be involved in the eventing community. The team does not require tryouts nor do they have a specific barn related to the team. All of team members are at surrounding Lexington farms and are allowed to train with the coach of their choosing. 

The team hosts an Intercollegiate Challenge atRiders patting horse while running an eventing course. Jumpstart Horse Trials every year. They also host multiple schooling jumper shows throughout the year. Joining the UK Eventing team is a great way to meet lots of like-minded individuals and have access to a variety of opportunities, both in and out of the saddle!

Team meeting are held bimonthly on Wednesdays. 

Advisor: Jill Stowe,

Facebook: UK Eventing

Instagram: ukeventing

UK Horse Racing Club

The purpose of the club is to educate and expose members to the horse racing industry within Lexington, KY. This happens through educational meetings, guest speakers, and social events. 

This club creates opportunities for students toClub members visiting a horse farm. network with potential employers and to learn about available internships. They hold monthly meetings and a monthly guest seminar. Students who join the horse racing club can hear from bloodstock agents, trainers, stud farm managers and many more. The club also hosts monthly social events that include visits to breeding farms and training facilities. For more information on the upcoming meetings, visit their social media page. 

Advisor: Laurie Lawrence,

Instagram: uk_horseracingclub


UK Rodeo Team

The University of Kentucky Rodeo Team competes in the Ozark region of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association, NIRA. Through NIRA, the team’s students can compete in events such as saddle bronc, bareback, bull riding, barrel racing, goat tying, steer wrestling, tie-down roping and team roping. Rodeo for many of the team’s members, is an outlet where they can escape the stress over classes and enjoy doing something they love. The team has students from all corners of the United States with different backgrounds and disciplines. The rodeo family at UK is continuously growing and is dedicated to taking the team to the next level. The team practices at K/C Ranch and is coached by Kelly Curry, Jimmie Marshall, and Tina Litkenhus. 

​To get involved in the team, students can followTeam picture. the team on their social media. The team will have an informational meeting the first few weeks of school for students to come learn more about the team and join. You can also check out our website

Advisor: Maggie Maynard,

Facebook: UKY Rodeo Team

Instagram: ukrodeoteam

UK Saddle Seat Team

UK Saddle Seat Team competes in saddle seat style riding competitions with surrounding Kentucky colleges and universities. Practices are once per week and competes five times throughout the school year. The team hosts two horse shows per season, one in the fall and one in the spring. These events are super fun and feature a silent auction and a concession stand. Families and friends are all encouraged to come watch and enjoy the show.

They love to have team dinners, tack-cleaning parties and other get-togethers to promote a close-knit team feel. No previous saddle seat experience is required, and everyone is encouraged to join this fun-loving, friendly, and competitive team. Not only will participants grow as riders and get to compete at the collegiate level, but they will also make some new friends in the process! The team encourages everyone interested to take a lesson and try it out. The team has a range of members, from those who have never ridden before to those who have won world championship titles. 

The team hosts an informational meeting atTeam members posing for a photo at a show. the beginning of the year explaining everything about the team, and anyone interested is invited to come learn more about what being a part of the team is all about. No riding experience or try-outs are required to join. 

Advisor: Mary Rossano,

Facebook: UK Saddleseat Team

Instagram: uk_saddleseat


UK Polo Team

UK Polo is a club sport that focuses on practicing the sport of horse polo. Inside the student-run program, there are members from different parts of the country and the globe.

UK polo has a string of top-of-the-line polo ponies, which are used for games, practices and lessons. The men’s and women’s varsity teams compete year-round against other university teams in tournaments across the country representing the University of Kentucky.

The program has members of all levels and backgrounds. The team conducts polo clinics, one-to-one polo and riding lessons and teaches important horsemanship skills. Members greatly enjoy sharing their passion for horses and polo with anyone that is interested to try something new and different. They accept new members who have never ridden horses before right alongside their polo-playing peers; Polo is a sport for everyone!

The team only requires tryouts for players interestedPolo team members riding together in playing in the men’s and women’s varsity teams. Any new member has access to riding and playing while being accompanied by experienced members to help them develop their riding and polo skills. The only requisite is to be willing to learn and have fun!

Some of the team’s main events include open to public polo exhibition games on Saturdays in February - May, fundraisers and its semi-annual Polo Ball. Information for these upcoming events can be found through their Instagram, Facebook, and website. The easiest way to get involved with UK Polo is to contact the team through any of its social media platforms - or the website and email - and their members would be happy to introduce you to the program!

Advisor: Roger Brown,

Facebook: UK Polo

Instagram: uk_polo

UK Ranch Horse Team

The Ranch Horse Team competes through the American Ranch Horse Association (ARHA). The team rides at Dizzy D Ranch in Frankfort, KY. They are coached by Dean and Erica Moffett. 

The team offers both riding and socialTeam members at a lesson, getting instructions from their coach. memberships. Students do need to own or lease a horse to be on this team. For information about joining the team and lesson times, check out their social media pages. 

Advisor: Mary Jane Little, 

Facebook: UK Ranch Horse Team

Instagram: uk_ranchhorseteam



Contact Information

N212 Ag Science Building North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-2226