Alumni Profiles
Alumni Profiles
As one of the newer undergraduate programs in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, our Equine Science and Management alums are a smaller group, but a rapidly growing force in the equine industry. Featured in each issue of the Wildcat Canter are profiles of alumni telling their story as a professional in their equine careers. The profiles display a range of careers our program alums have succeeded in and showcase the types of careers one can strive towards.
Alumni of the Equine Science and Management degree program are taking their education to the next level by contributing to the equine industry in a multitude of ways. Graduates of our program find career pathways in the traditional areas of the equine industry, as well as continue to find and create new niche areas in all aspects of the industry. Our diverse alumni group has proven the ability to utilize the skills and concepts learned in classes and directly apply this knowledge in sustainable equine-focused careers
Equine Science and Management Alumni Careers
UK Ag Equine Programs Featured Alumni Spotlight
See what career pathways our alumns have found in the equine industry by clicking on the categories below to view previous alumni profiles featured in Wildcat Canter newsletters:
Marketing and Public Relations
Sales and Retail
Riding, Training and Showing
Farm Management and Breeding
Equine Medical
Non-Profit, Association, Education
Equine alums, we would love to hear from you!
Help us stay connected and let us know what you have been up to since graduation. If you would like to be featured in a future Wildcat Canter Alumni Profile, please complete this online form.