Contact Information

N212 Ag Science Building North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-2226



UK Ag Equine Programs

The mission of the program is to discover, share and apply new knowledge on the health, performance and management of horses, enhancing the signature status of Kentucky’s equine industry.

About Us

The horse is at the heart of everything we do.

Innovation through industry-inspired science

We boast a culture of known research excellence with an established track record of innovation and service by multidisciplinary teams of nutritionists, animal and plant scientists, engineers, microbiologists, veterinarians, economists and social scientists. Our horse and rider safety knowledge center shares insights through sports medicine, surface and pharmacology research.

Explore Research

Empowering horse owners

We offer a variety of extension services for horse owners and farm managers, as well as youth and adult equine education through 4-H and outreach programs. Other services include horse pasture management, testing from the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, genetic testing, facility optimization, drug testing and race track and performance surface testing.

Explore Extension

Graduate, photo by Catherine Primavera

Turn your passion into a career

The Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment offers an Equine Science and Management four-year bachelor’s degree, specializing in science, business or communications and leadership. Benefits of our program include a path to professionalism progression each year, leadership opportunities, internships, study abroad and nearly a dozen clubs and teams to choose from.

Want to visit and learn more about the program? Sign up for upcoming Experience Equine Days, with both in-person and virtual options available! 

In-person event, April 25:

Explore Degree

mare and foal grazing, photo by Mark Pearson

Kentucky Equine Survey reveals resilience of state's equine industry

UK and the Kentucky Horse Council collaborated on the 2022 Kentucky Equine Survey, gathering data on all Kentucky horses, ponies, donkeys and mules. According to the survey, Kentucky is home to 209,500 equine. The total value of equine and equine-related assets in the state was $27.7 billion in 2022, up more than 18% from 2012, even though there are currently almost 14% fewer equine living in the state than in 2012.

Explore Survey


Economic Impact

Kentucky is home to almost 210,000 horses, with an economic impact of almost $3 billion, according to the UK-led 2022 Kentucky Equine Survey.

6 of 10

Vaccines Developed at UK

6 of the 10 most commonly used equine vaccines were developed at UK, and every dewormer on the market underwent efficacy studies at UK.


Out-of-State Students

Over 75% of students come from out of state, and almost 60% of these stay in Kentucky after graduation.

Contact Information

N212 Ag Science Building North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-2226